Toad's Tool 64 is the first and only graphically oriented Super Mario 64 level editor.
You can take a look at a video demonstration on YouTube.

TT64 is currently in Public Beta form, and documentation is a work in progress.
A forum is available (please read the rules before posting!)

2008-10-19: Version 5.991b is out: Now supports Vista and intel Macs natively!
A lot of bug fixes in this version. Look in the forum for more details.

2008-10-19: Version 5.992b: Fixed a font problem with Windows Vista.

2008-11-2: Version 5.994b: Fixed the texture importer, and many other bugs.

Download the Windows (XP and Vista) version of Toad's Tool 64 Beta v0.5.994b

Important: You'll need to 'Extend' the Mario 64 ROM you provide, using
SM64 ROM Extender utility that can be found on the
Mario 64 Editing Tool page

Note: This page will not provide and or link to any ROM whatsoever.

Toad's Tool 64 is totally free, and will remain so forever, but if you want to
donate via PayPal to show your appreciation, don't hesitate to do it :)

If you can't or don't want to, you can still enjoy TT64!

A big thank you to everyone who donated!

  1. Project Somnix V0.5 Alpha Mac Os Catalina
  2. Project Sominex V0.5 Alpha Mac Os Downloads
  3. Project Sominex V0.5 Alpha Mac Os Download
  4. Project Sominex V0.5 Alpha Mac Os Catalina
Hello Everyone!

Project Somnix V0.5 Alpha Mac Os Catalina

5 months ago me and icecode decided to make a heli, the OH-6 Cayuse.

This is the first WIP Alpha DEMO of a Sonic Adventure 3 Fan Game developed by GalaxySoftware Studio. And using Unreal Engine 3 by Epic Games and the Sonic GDK Engine by Xaklse Sonic Adventure 3 - Fangame Windows, Mac. JSpriteMaker 68k v0.5.1b19 Java-based GUI for creating and editing sprites for use in TIGCC programming. Supports 4-level grayscale and transparent color. Generates code for the sprite on the fly, including the sprite mask. No more guess work, works under any OS. Tested with Windows, Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS X. Jsmsrc.sit: 61k: 02-03-21.

Download the first release (stable version) through this link:
Download the development version through this link:
Here are some of the last Features:
- 3D model available
- Untextured cockpit
- Untextured model
- FDM is ready but it needs some changes
- Walker in progress
- Dual control available
Project somnix v0.5 alpha mac os sierra- Shadow in progress
- Sparks while the heli is touching the ground with a lot of speed (Particle system) in progress
- Fire animation and fire truck in progress
- Shadows
- Animations
- Textures

Project Sominex V0.5 Alpha Mac Os Downloads

Project Sominex V0.5 Alpha Mac Os Download

- Cockpit panel and instrugments
- Manual start

Project Sominex V0.5 Alpha Mac Os Catalina

And some snapshots: